Why is My School Closed?
An E-book that answers the hard questions kids have. Tucker Turtle Takes Time to Tuck and Think at Home A social-emotional E-book for young children. NCES KIds' Zone Activities, quizzes, fun facts and learn how to create graphs. Learn about the Environment Quizzes, videos and activities from the Environmental Protection Agency. Space Place Games, crafts, videos and activities from NASA. ABCs Fruit and Vegetable Cards Fun printable cards to print and help kids learn about fruits and vegetables. Child Nutrition Resources Check out the CACFP website for all kinds of information, resources and activities about child nutrition. |
Department of Defense
Learn about careers in STEM fields. Energy Kids Puzzles, science experiments, virtual field trips, games and activities from the Department of Energy. Learn about History Lots of historical information from the Library of Congress. STEM Activities Science, Technology, Engineering and Math activities for kids of all ages. Dr. Yum Project Podcasts, recipes, activities and resources to make eating healthy fun and kid-friendly! Sesame Street Videos, games, art activities from the one and only Sesame Street. PBS Kids Learning at home resources for preschoolers and young children by age. The Kennedy Center Lots of distance learning resources for parents and caregivers. |
Best Museums in Dubai
Travel the world from your own home! Check out 11 different museums in Dubai - some of them virtually! Audible Stories Free educational and entertaining audiobooks for children and families. San Diego Zoo Free virtual tours, games, and activities with the animals at the San Deigo Zoo. Mars Explore planet Mars with a 360 degree virtual tour with the Curiosity Rover. Monterey Bay Aquarium Say hello to animal and fish friends with live webcams at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Panda Cam Visit the panda's at Zoo Atlanta through their webcam. Farm Tours Visit 11 different farms with Farm Food 360's virtual tours to learn more about what they grow and raise. |
Tundra Connections
Experience the tundra and learn all about polar bears on a virtual field trip with Discovery Education. Johnson Space Center Travel to Houston, Texas in this virtual tour of Johnson Space Center, presented by Boeing and Discovery Education. Arconic Tour Discover the science of manufacturing at our local Arconic plant in Alcoa, Tennessee through this virtual tour. Boston Children's Museum Visit the Boston Children's Museum and explore the three floors filled with imagination and creativity. National Geographic Kids Explore countries around the world through National Geographic's interactive website built just for kids. National Museum of Natural History Tour different exhibits like prehistoric mammals and objects of wonder. |
HoursM-F: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
106 Ingle Drive
P.O. Box 279 Tazewell, TN 37879 |